[Details on Our Basic Background Screening Package]
[Additional Background searches available from THE CAT]
[Honorable Reasons for ordering a Background Screening]
[What can be done to discover facts about someone's background]
For dating or pre-marital background screenings, in addition to or in place of the above searches we generally concentrate on three areas that are very important to this type of case:A single county criminal records search in the area of your subject's current residence
A single county civil litigation check to discover if your subject has ever been involved in a lawsuit or if s/he has ever been sued
A driving record (restricted in certain States) which is a good general Character check to discover such items as DUIs, speeding tickets, and can even lead to discovery of previous employers or people related to the subject that may not be currently be known to you
An independent search for previous addresses on your subject to determine if other areas of the country should also be checked for criminal and civil records on behalf of your subject
A social security Number (SSN) search to determine if it's likely that the SSN given has been issued to your subject. This is also used to discover aliases your subject may have used in the past, giving additional clues to accurately determine your subject's past
We search for voter, marriage and driving records to verify your subject's name, address and to discover any undisclosed marriages
We search litigation records to locate any ex-spouses, tax liens, judgements and other debts
We look at probate and Real Estate sources to document assets your subject claims to have
Our basic package gives you a "Keyhole" look to ask yourself "Is there something here I need to be suspicious of?"
Sounds great. I'd like to [ORDER A BACKGROUND PACKAGE] right way!
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Additional Background searches available only from THE CAT:
We use advancing state of the art technology, strategies and resources to help you discover "Just the Facts" about your subject's background. We can discover marriages, divorces, former addresses, current and previous employment verification, reference and developed reference checks,credit reports (for permissible purposes only), Bankruptcies, check Nationwide for outstanding Criminal Warrants, and the list goes on and on!. We can do this on a local and National Basis.I'm convinced! I like to [ORDER A BACKGROUND SCREENING PACKAGE].
And because how a person spends their money can be very revealing, we can also perform a full asset search in concert with any of our background checks. Remember, financial difficulties could be a weakness vulnerable to exploitation.
We would be happy to custom design a package to best fit your business or personal needs.
We've been doing this for many years and we're pretty good at it.
Unusual Requests.....................................................Please Inquire
When you hire THE CAT we'll give you the benefit of our many years of accumulated skills, developed resources and expertise, plus our dedication to quality and the promise of on-time delivery. There's no extra charge for these, We value our clients.
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Reasons to hire THE CAT to do a Background Screening
The purpose of a background check is to determine the prior life history and past activities of a person. Often these activities of the past have a strong relationship to the current and probable future activities of this person. Examples include alcoholism and substance abuse, child abuse, criminal activity, poor driving and financial difficulties. Here are a few purposes when a background check is suggested:O.K. Now I'm ready to [ORDER A BACKGROUND SCREENING PACKAGE]You need to check out a current or potential employee or business Partner
You've met someone or you're dating or engaged to someone and want to make sure love isn't blind.
You've discovered or suspect your current Spouse or partner has a dark past and now you want to know the facts
Someone is stalking or otherwise harassing you and it's time to find out just who this person is
You're are about to hire a nanny or a child care provider and you just want to be sure this person is stable before its too late
You're consulting a doctor,lawyer,stock broker or other professional
You want to check out a nuisance neighbor or the local drug dealer
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What can be done to discover facts about someone's background?
Here are just a few techniques that may be used to discover some hard facts about a persons's background and their current activities:
If you would like to discover more cold, hard facts about your subject's past, contact THE CAT immediately with the details of your case. We'll recommend the most effective and economical searches and, with your approval, get started right away!Make sure to check all references given
Call your subject at home during the evening to verify their home phone number and to see what sounds are in the background during your brief conversation. Do they appear normal? Are there kids screaming in the background? Who first answers?
Surprise the person at home and ask to be invited in during an unexpected time like in the evening or on the weekend. This will definitely give an idea how this person "really" lives!
Hit the redial button on the home phone or your partner's cellular phone. Who's number is this? (While your in their car, what to they keep in the glove box?)
Check out the monthly bank statement or credit card bill. This is most interesting reading around or shortly after a holiday (St.Valentines Day?)
Follow your subject around during the time in question like to or from work or on a friday or saturday night
You get the idea. Call us for more!
If you'd like to learn more information about how our Background Checks can directly benefit you, Please call us during the day Toll Free at 612-720-TAPS (that's 612-720-8277).
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